Introduction of Trees

A tree usually represents the hierarchy of elements and depicts the relationships between the elements. Trees are considered as one of the largely used facets of data structures. To give you a better idea of how a tree looks like, let me give an example:


Every circle represents a node, and every arrow represents the hierarchy. For you to be able to understand the terminology associated with trees, I will further name these nodes.


Now, you can very easily say that node C is the child of node A or node B is the parent of node E. You would be wondering what a parent or child is. I was coming to that only.

Terminologies used in trees:

  1. Root: The topmost node of a tree is called the root. There is no edge pointing to it, but one or more than one edge originating from it. Here, A is the root node.
  2. Parent: Any node which connects to the child. Node which has an edge pointing to some other node. Here, C is the parent of H.
  3. Child: Any node which is connected to a parent node. Node which has an edge pointing to it from some other node. Here, H is the child of C.
  4. Siblings: Nodes belonging to the same parent are called siblings of each other. Nodes B, C and D are siblings of each other, since they have the same parent node A.
  5. Ancestors: Nodes accessible by following up the edges from a child node upwards are called the ancestors of that node. Ancestors are also the parents of the parents of …… that node. Here, nodes A, C and H are the ancestors of node I.
  6. Descendants: Nodes accessible by following up the edges from a parent node downwards are called the descendants of that node. Descendants are also the child of the child of …… that node. Here, nodes H and I are the descendants of node C.
  7. Leaf/ External Node: Nodes which have no edge originating from it, and have no child attached to it. These nodes cannot be a parent. Here, nodes E, F, G and I are leaf nodes.
  8. Internal node: Nodes with at least one child. Here, nodes B, D and C are internal nodes.
  9. Depth: Depth of a node is the number of edges from root to that node. Here, the depth of nodes A, C, H and I are 0, 1, 2 and 3 respectively.
  1. Height: Height of a node is the number of edges from that node to the deepest leaf. Here, the height of node A is 3, since the deepest leaf from this node is node I. And similarly, height of node C is 2.